series of drawings, coloured pencil and ink on paper, 2018-19Pipes, Potatoes, Confetti, Squiggles is an exploration of landscapes through drawing. The drawings show meticulous detailing and line work, using oblique/isometric perspectives which are often seen in both technical drawings and video games. This technical style of drawing has interested Theriault for many years, perhaps influenced by the drafts she saw her mother create as an interior designer. The resulting works show theoretical representations of space that are both precise and chaotic; planned but with a haphazard quality. The subject matter served as a release from the everyday, loosely drawing from a variety of visual references the artist encounters, playful or unexpected qualities, and repetition of images from past works while exploring line, form, mark-making, and composition.
Below: Installation views of the group exhibition Space, Place, Home at Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen (Moncton, NB) Aug. 15 - Oct. 18 2020. (Photos: Mathieu Léger)

Lisa Theriault 2024©